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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Talk! with Marie Presents Musician-Songwriter @JamesOlmos

Songwriter-Photographer James Olmos joins Marie on the show to share his inspirations, music and photography. James performs monthly at Gallery Rouge to a packed house.  Make sure to check out his website for shows.

About James Olmos
Songwriter & Photographer finds creative outlets through life's moments. His inspiration and muse, along with his medium often changes as he discovers and crosses new paths. His social network posts range from songs he's written, photographs captured and blog ramblings about his philosophical thoughts and life's moments. He also enjoys a healthful lifestyle and passionate about obstacle course racing (OCR), mud runs, trail runs and the all-out, kick ass times while breathing, living and journeying through life's moments.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Talk! with Marie Presents Gentle Heron, Virtual Ability & International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference in Second Life

Marie interviews Gentle Heron of Virtual Ability in Second Life. Virtual Ability, Inc. is a non-profit based in Colorado. Its mission is to enable people with a wide range of disabilities by providing a supporting environment for them to enter and thrive in online virtual worlds like Second Life.  November 13-14 is the International Disability Rights Affirmation Conference. The theme is: It’s All About the People. Listen in to learn more about Gentle's work, Virtual Ability, Inc and the upcoming conference. Make sure to check out Virtual Ability's page.