Red Followers

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Adventures of Lola Stories: Lifestyle Change by RedGoddess

If only stress was a miracle diet, then Lola would definitely have a super model body without depriving herself of decadent desserts. During each annual physical, Dr. Drinkwater reminds Lola she's far from being in good shape. Positive healthy life style changes are in order. 
Since the injuries sustained during the traumatic robbery in the hotel, chronic headaches and insomnia plague her. Lola fears the worst. Something ominous is lurking. There is no extra funds for pricey gyms or personalized diet plans. Her life is in crisis.
Lola leaves work early to make her follow up appointment. She has just enough time to read an entire O magazine article on Living your Best Life  before the doctor rushes in with his clipboard. "Sorry for being late. I have a full schedule this afternoon," No eye contact.  She stares at the back of his clipboard and then gives him a cold look. Without a pause, he lunges into his list, "Your blood pressure remains high," He continues, pretending not to see her facial expression. "Have you started an exercise program yet, like we discussed during your last appointment?"  Lola is beyond frustrated, how dare he talks down to her like an imbecile! Lola snaps and bolts out of her chair.  She pulls down his clipboard and locks her eyes with his. "For a change, why don't I do the talking and YOU listen."

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Adventures of Lola: Finagle by RedGoddess

I can't believe it's Sunday! Guess what? The unthinkable happened. I'm a little under the weather and recuperating so I can start writing again. In spite of this pesky bug, I'm having a great Second Life weekend full of events. Between cough syrups, ginger teas and saline sprays, I designed a new poster (the one above) to promote all the SL events at various venues.
We kicked off the weekend with Musician MrMulti Writer at Gallery Rouge. He joins us on the 2nd Friday at 5pm for one of the most energetic shows in SL. He started the show on top of the piano. I'm not kidding. He eventually landed on the ground and danced the week away.
On Saturday, Writer Zill read a selection of short stories at Red Art Four Bridges. He's a master storyteller with a range a fabulous accents. I hope he will continue joining us monthly with more stories from more authors we rarely hear about. Today, I started my day displaying some artwork and a new elephant at Four Bridges. Sevi joined me for a bit as I attempted to place the elephant somewhere prominent for visitors to enjoy. With a cup of coffee in hand, I then headed over to Angeljade's poetry event at 10:00a slt. She's a breath of Caribbean fresh air. Next stop, our weekly open mic poetry reading and Singer/Songwriter Shannon Oherhily performed at Four Bridges SpeakEasy for the public. She has three shows coming up in the US. One of these days, I hope she gets booked in Boston/Cambridge in the near future. She hinted Club Passim in Cambridge, a cool spot for performers. Our last event for today is The Seated Scribes (Every Sunday) on the deck at Four Bridges, 2p slt. A group of writers come together to read and edit our drafts or work we feel need some feedback. This is the place to be if you have a work in progress or a piece of writing that's just not where it should be yet. That's quite a full day for a sick Goddess! Here's a Lola story to keep you entertained till the next one. Happy Reading!

Kahn is what one would call a social drinker. He's on every socialite's invite list for parties and fundraisers. He is handsome with all the trappings of old money and success. He has two weaknesses: women and booze. He can't resist neither even though he's in rehab for the third time.
Both his wife and mistress left him after he was caught with a dead male escort at Lola's hotel. With all of his powerful friends and wealth, he was finally caught in a dead end situation. Lola wonders,  how will he finagle out of this mess?